Pregnancy and Parenting

第九条是一项联邦法律,禁止在教育项目中基于性别的歧视. Among the types of gender discrimination covered by this statute, 第九条保护与怀孕或父母身份有关的歧视. 保护范围扩大到怀孕或假怀孕的学生, termination of pregnancy, have gone through childbirth, or are recovering from any of those conditions. 第九条规定还禁止学校适用任何与学生家长有关的规定, 家庭或婚姻状况因性别而区别对待学生. 以下是关于大学遵守第九条这方面的一些常见问题及其答案.

Lactation Suite

Mamava校园哺乳套房位于吉洛大学中心(GUC)的一楼。, in the mailroom hallway. 如需询问或报告有关哺乳套件的问题,请联系第九条办公室( The lactation suite is accessible anytime the GUC is open to the public. 可以通过MamavaK8彩乐园程序访问该套件(可在Apple App Store或Google Play Store中使用)。, additionally, the Office of Title IX can provide you with a code to use. 

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